
Planned events

Workshop on subject access
Organised by the national libraries of Slovenia, Switzerland and the Czech Republic, partners in TEL-ME-MOR.

to present and discuss reports on TEL-ME-MOR work package 3, dealing with developing the multilingual capacity of the network;
– to discuss subject access policies, tools and challenges;
– to present related projects such as M-CAST, MSAC and MACS.

Venue and date: Prague, Czech Republic, 23-24 November 2006.

Click here to access the programme of the seminar.

Past events

Final Policy Conference
Organised by the National Library of Estonia, dissemination partner in TEL-ME-MOR project.

– to present the achievements and results of the TEL-ME-MOR project
– provide a forum for discussion of the latest digital library developments in Europe and in the world
– highlight future research requirements and formulate concrete recommendations as to how the EU and international R&D agendas can lead to improving access to our common cultural heritage.

Venue and date: Tallinn, Estonia, 18-20 October 2006

Click here to access the programme of the conference and other relevant information.

Regional Expert Workshops
Organised in Poland, Slovenia and Hungary by the respective National Libraries, partners in TEL-ME-MOR.

Focus: The workshops discussed the research requirements in the New Member States and formulated recommendations as to how the EU Research & Development agenda can lead to improving access to cultural and scientific resources by the research and education sectors in the NMS, via participation in future EU-funded projects.

Venues and dates: Warsaw, Poland, 24-25 April 2006; Budapest, Hungary, 8-9 May 2006; Ljubljana, Slovenia, 18-19 May 2006.

Click here to access the programmes of the events and other relevant information.

TEL-ME-MOR Open Forum
Held in conjunction with the TEL-ME-MOR Board Meeting and the CENL Annual Meeting, the forum offered a unique opportunity to present TEL-ME-MOR to the directors of European national libraries. CENL, the Conference of European National Librarians, which is a partner in TEL-ME-MOR as well as a holder of The European Library service, plays an important role in increasing and reinforcing the role of national libraries in Europe.

Venue and date: Luxembourg, 28 September 2005

Knowledge Sharing Workshop
Organised in conjunction with the Technical Working Group of The European Library.

Focus: The workshop focused on discussing issues regarding the integration of collections from the national libraries of the New Member States and to share the expertise and experience of the older member states. Main topics were collection descriptions, preparation of metadata for The European Library Application Profile, Z39.50/SRU gateways and implementation plans for the national libraries of the New Member States.

Venue and date: The Hague, Netherlands, 22-23 September 2005.

Information Day
Organised in Tallinn by the National Library of Estonia.

Focus: Providing information about FP6 Call5 and other European opportunities for funding R&D in culture (Culture 2000, eContentplus, structure funds).

Venue and date: Tallinn, Estonia, 29 June 2005.

Programme and presentations

National Workshops
Organised in each of the 10 New Member States by the respective National Libraries, partners in the project.

Focus: Providing information about FP6 and FP7 research agendas, discussing and validating findings of a survey carried out by TEL-ME-MOR on research requirements of national libraries and their clients.

Venues and dates: Riga, Latvia, 10 June 2005; Tallinn, Estonia, 14 June 2005; Prague, Czech Republic, 16 June 2005; Budapest, Hungary, 20 June 2005; Ljubljana, Slovenia, 21 June 2005; Nicosia, Cyprus, 22 June 2005; Vilnius, Lithuania, 22 June 2005; Valletta, Malta, 24 June 2005; Martin, Slovakia, 28 June 2005; Warsaw, Poland, 29 June 2005.

Report on the national workshops

European events attended by tel-me-mor

Making Library Collections Accessible Locally and Worldwide
Tallinn, Estonia, 20 – 23 September 2005
TEL-ME-MOR was represented at the exhibition by Toomas Schvak (Estonian NL).

71st IFLA Conference & Exhibition
Oslo, Norway, 14 – 18 August 2005
TEL-ME-MOR held a poster session on 16 and 17 August. Presentations on TEL-ME-MOR were delivered by Monika Segbert (Eremo srl), Genevieve Clavel-Merrin (Swiss NL) and Andris Vilks (Latvian NL).

Call 5 Information Day
Luxembourg, 16 June 2005
Presentation on TEL-ME-MOR, delivered by Barbara Morganti (Eremo srl)

You may also be interested to see our list of international events.